Hi! I am Sooyheon Choi, a Phd Candidate at University of Central Florida in the Department of Computer Sceicne. I am an experienced researcher in the field of Computer Science with a focus on Machine Learning, AI, and Security. I have an extensive background in code authorship attribution, programming language processing, and robustness measurement of Machine Learning applications. Holding a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida, I served as a Research Officer at A*STAR Research Entities, where I continue to contribute to the field through my research work and publications.

Research Interests

Software Engineering, Machine Learning, AI, Security, Code Authorship Attribution, Programming Language Processing, Large Language Models, and Robustness Measurement of Machine Learning Applications.

Education History

PH.D., Computer Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA ( 2021 – Current)

  • Advisor: Prof. David Mohaisen. Topic: Machine Learning, AI, LLM & Security

M.SC., Computer Science, South Dakota State Unversity, Brookings, SD, USA (2018 – 2021)

  • Advisor: Prof. Sung Shin. Topic: Sensor Network, Authentication & Security

B.SC., Computer Engineering, Keimyung University – Daegu, South Korea (2011 – 2017)

Professional Appointments

  • 08/2021–Current : Research Assistant / University of Central Florida / Machine Learning & Security

  • 12/2023–12/2024 : Research Officer / A*STAR Research Entities (I2R) / Machine Learning & Security

  • 08/2019–12/2020 : Research Assistant / South Dakota State University / Sensor Network & Security

  • 08/2018–05/2019 : Teaching Assistant / South Dakota State University / CSc 300 Data Structures